H.E. The Ambassador's meeting with the United Nations member of the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus14 February 2025H.E. Ambassador received Mr. Pierre Gentile, UN Member of the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus. During the meeting, the work of the Committee and its mandate were introduced.
His Excellency the Ambassador’s participation in the twentieth annual United Nations Conference for the Mediterranean Region12 February 2025H.EAmbassador participates in the opening ceremony of the 20th Annual Mediterranean Model United Nations,H.E. Mr. Nikos Christodoulides,President of the Republic of Cyprus delivered a speech in the presence of Dr. Christoforos Hadjikyprianou, President European University Cyprus.
National Sport Day11 February 2025The Embassy held a sports activity to celebrate Qatar National Sports Day 2025 Sport day 2025
Meeting of His Excellency the Ambassador with the Ambassador of Serbia to the Republic of Cyprus06 February 2025H.E. Ambassador Yousef Sultan Laram received H.E. Mrs. Suzana Boskovic-Prodanovic, Ambassador of Serbia to the Republic of Cyprus. The importance of enhancing bilateral and joint cooperation was discussed.
His Excellency the Ambassador's meeting with the Archbishop of the Church in the Republic of Cyprus29 January 2025H.E. The Ambassador met with Archbishop of Cyprus, Georgios. The importance of promoting the concepts of tolerance & coexistence, and the State of Qatar’s efforts regarding interfaith dialogue and the Alliance of Civilizations were discussed.
H.E. the Ambassador attended the annual ceremony of the Airport Officers Association23 January 2025H.E. Ambassador attended the Annual celebration held by the Airport Officers Association (Civil Aviation), in the presence of H.E. Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, and H.E. Deputy Minister of Shipping in Cyprus.
H.E the Ambassador's meeting with the Cypriot Minister of Education, Youth and Sports21 January 2025H.E. Ambassador Yousef Sultan Laram met with H.E. Dr. Athina Michaelidou, Minister of Education, Sports and Youth of the Republic of Cyprus. The importance of strengthening bilateral relations in related fields was discussed.
The Embassy of the State of Qatar in Cyprus held a reception on the occasion of National Day18 December 2024The Embassy of the State of Qatar in Cyprus held a reception on the occasion of National Day. More than 200 figures attended from politics, economy, parliament, Ambassadors and civil society. H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus delivered a speech on behalf of his Government and people.
Meeting of His Excellency the Ambassador with His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of the Netherlands30 November 2024H.E. Ambassador Yousef Sultan Laram received H.E. Mr. Wouter Plomp, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Cyprus. The importance of enhancing bilateral and joint cooperation was discussed.
A meeting between His Excellency the Ambassador and the Director of the Diplomatic Office at the Presidential Palace27 November 2024H.E. Ambassador Yousef Sultan Laram met with H.E. Mr. Doros Venises, Director of the Diplomatic Office at the Presidency. The importance of strengthening bilateral relations in areas of common interest was discussed